Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Good morning fellow citizens and peanut crackers!
Some of you have asked about reunion arrangements for this year and so I'll do a tiny update.
Look at the post from last year below and EVERYTHING is the same except the dates. This year's reunion begins on Fri eve. Aug. 14th.
I just got a call from Sam Garber and he hadn't heard about the reunion until just a few minutes ago.:(
Please do your part in spreading the word. I especially count on all my matriarch sisters and patriarch brothers to tell their children and grandchildren.
 Sister Fanny from Bolivia is here with us this year which will add some spice and give us a chance to reconnect.
I'm adding our family picture from last year at the reunion just for interest :) Photo credits to my sister Marge.

Love to all of you....Rose

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