Monday, July 29, 2013


I read a quote by Socrates a couple days ago:
"By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."
That kind of tickled my funny bone, but I also thought about the truth that's in the quote. I see very shallow people -not bad people- just shallow. The main thing that's missing is just "life" with all the ups and downs and difficult circumstances that the Lord wants to use in our development. Anyway, I think marriage over the long haul is so good for us. At least it has certainly been very good for me! Maybe I can be a happy philosopher, how does that sound?
For Martin's and my 20th. anniversary last June we did something really special. We left our offspring behind, with 18 yr. old Kathryn in charge, and took a week long trip. We flew into Calgary and spent a week in the Canadian Rockies. Incredible memories!!!!

heading into the mountains at Banff

Since it was just Martin and I, we could hike to our heart's content. Almost every day involved some trail or other for us. We also saw lots of wild life including, bears, moose, elk, big horned sheep. an eagle and a wolf.

 until next time - may you be a happy philosopher!


Thursday, July 4, 2013


I've been planning another family reunion for this summer and it seems like it brought back memories of my dear brother Noah.
 I only have a couple pictures of the time he was with us and I wish I had taken a lot more. I never dreamed he would be gone that quickly. I guess I was thinking of a couple months maybe. It was only 10 days after he got here from Oklahoma that he passed away.
Here's an excerpt from a letter I sent to the family recently:

During this last year we had a “first” happen when our dear brother Noah went to be with the Lord. There have been others who’ve gone before in our family, but none of our immediate siblings. I suppose since he was here in our home the last 10 days of his life, it may have affected me more than it did some of you. I still face a lot of emotion when I reminisce.

Mostly I’m just so thankful that the Lord led every step of the way in bringing him here from Oklahoma and that he could be with us during his last days.

I saw a side of our family that I’ve never seen before. I’m so thankful to be part of a family that unselfishly puts their own convenience aside and ministers when the need arises. I’m so thankful Noah could be surrounded by the love and care of his family instead of being in a hospital somewhere alone. I’m so thankful for each of you who gave financially and sacrificially to love our brother in those last days. I believe God was glorified and Noah was at peace. It was so beautiful that Mom could be right there rubbing her “little” twin’s feet as he passed into glory.
for several days Noah was so bright and perky and told us lots of stories. What a memory he had!

Mom sat and read to him but he kept drifting off to sleep

sweet sweet Noah!


Anthony's thumb

Hey Jess Dear,
Remember I told you that Anthony smashed his thumb the other day? here it is:
He's a very brave boy and never makes a fuss about stuff. He got tired of waiting for dad to unload a wagon side and attempted it by himself.

Anton's smashed thumb - looks like the nail will definitely come off doesn't it?