Monday, July 29, 2013


I read a quote by Socrates a couple days ago:
"By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."
That kind of tickled my funny bone, but I also thought about the truth that's in the quote. I see very shallow people -not bad people- just shallow. The main thing that's missing is just "life" with all the ups and downs and difficult circumstances that the Lord wants to use in our development. Anyway, I think marriage over the long haul is so good for us. At least it has certainly been very good for me! Maybe I can be a happy philosopher, how does that sound?
For Martin's and my 20th. anniversary last June we did something really special. We left our offspring behind, with 18 yr. old Kathryn in charge, and took a week long trip. We flew into Calgary and spent a week in the Canadian Rockies. Incredible memories!!!!

heading into the mountains at Banff

Since it was just Martin and I, we could hike to our heart's content. Almost every day involved some trail or other for us. We also saw lots of wild life including, bears, moose, elk, big horned sheep. an eagle and a wolf.

 until next time - may you be a happy philosopher!


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